Crister Ceberg

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Hypoxia-induced complement component 3 promotes aggressive tumor growth in the glioblastoma microenvironment
Rebecca Rosberg, Karolina I. Smolag, Jonas Sjölund, Elinn Johansson, Christina Bergelin, et al.
(2024) JCI Insight, 9
Artikel i tidskriftInvestigating Ras homolog gene family member C (RhoC) and Ki67 expression following external beam radiation therapy show increased RhoC expression in relapsing prostate cancer xenografts
Amanda Kristiansson, Crister Ceberg, Anders Bjartell, Jens Ceder, Oskar Vilhelmsson Timmermand
(2024) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 728
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of superficial xenograft volume estimation by ultrasound and caliper against MRI in a longitudinal pre-clinical radiotherapeutic setting
Daniel Roth, Marcella Safi, Oskar Vilhelmsson Timmermand, Evangelia Sereti, Malwina Molendowska, et al.
(2024) PLoS ONE, 19
Artikel i tidskriftReconfiguring a Plane-Parallel Transmission Ionization Chamber to Extend the Operating Range into the Ultra-High Dose-per-pulse Regime
Elise Konradsson, Rebecka Ericsson Szecsenyi, Pontus Wahlqvist, Andreas Thoft, Börje Blad, et al.
(2024) Radiation Research, 201 p.252-260
Artikel i tidskriftLong-term toxicity and efficacy of FLASH radiotherapy in dogs with superficial malignant tumors
Bolette W. Gjaldbæk, Maja L. Arendt, Elise Konradsson, Kristine Bastholm Jensen, Sven Å. J Bäck, et al.
(2024) Frontiers in Oncology, 14 p.01-09
Artikel i tidskriftBeam control system and output fine-tuning for safe and precise delivery of FLASH radiotherapy at a clinical linear accelerator
Elise Konradsson, Pontus Wahlqvist, Andreas Thoft, Börje Blad, Sven Bäck, et al.
(2024) Frontiers in Oncology, 14
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of intensity-modulated electron FLASH radiotherapy in a clinical setting using veterinary cases
Elise Konradsson, Rebecka Ericsson Szecsenyi, Gabriel Adrian, Mizgin Coskun, Betina Børresen, et al.
(2023) Medical Physics, 50 p.6569-6579
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of single-fraction high dose FLASH radiotherapy in a cohort of canine oral cancer patients
Betina Børresen, Maja L. Arendt, Elise Konradsson, Kristine Bastholm Jensen, Sven Bäck, et al.
(2023) Frontiers in Oncology, 13 p.1-10
Artikel i tidskriftSurface guided electron FLASH radiotherapy for canine cancer patients
Annika Mannerberg, Elise Konradsson, Malin Kügele, Anneli Edvardsson, Mustafa Kadhim, et al.
(2023) Medical Physics, 50 p.4047-4054
Artikel i tidskriftFLASH radiotherapy and the associated dosimetric challenges
S. Ceberg, A. Mannerberg, E. Konradsson, M. Blomstedt, M. Kügele, et al.
(2023) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2630
KonferensbidragComparable survival in rats with intracranial glioblastoma irradiated with single-fraction conventional radiotherapy or FLASH radiotherapy
Emma Liljedahl, Elise Konradsson, Karin Linderfalk, Emma Gustafsson, Kristoffer Petersson, et al.
(2023) Frontiers in Oncology, 13
Artikel i tidskriftPolymer gel dosimetry for experimental verification of conformal small animal irradiation at a preclinical research platform
E. Konradsson, M. Blomstedt, C. Jamtheim Gustafsson, S. Å.J. Bäck, C. Ceberg, et al.
(2023) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2630
Artikel i tidskriftCombined anti-C1-INH and radiotherapy against glioblastoma
Emma Liljedahl, Elise Konradsson, Emma Gustafsson, Karolina Förnvik Jonsson, Jill K. Olofsson, et al.
(2023) BMC Cancer, 23
Artikel i tidskriftComparable Long-Term Tumor Control for Hypofractionated FLASH Versus Conventional Radiation Therapy in an Immunocompetent Rat Glioma Model
Elise Konradsson, Emma Liljedahl, Emma Gustafsson, Gabriel Adrian, Sarah Beyer, et al.
(2022) Advances in Radiation Oncology, 7
Artikel i tidskriftLong-term anti-tumor effects following both conventional radiotherapy and FLASH in fully immunocompetent animals with glioblastoma
Emma Liljedahl, Elise Konradsson, Emma Gustafsson, Karolina Förnvik Jonsson, Jill K Olofsson, et al.
(2022) Scientific Reports, 12 p.12285-12285
Artikel i tidskriftPO-1711 Accurate FLASH delivery requires motion monitoring – SGRT is a feasible option for canine patients
Annika Mannerberg, Elise Konradsson, Anneli Edvardsson, Malin Kügele, M Kadhim, et al.
(2022) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 170 p.1510-1511
Konferensbidrag: abstractDevelopment of dosimetric procedures for experimental ultra-high dose rate irradiation at a clinical linear accelerator
E. Konradsson, K. Petersson, G. Adrian, M. Lempart, B. Blad, et al.
(2022) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2167
KonferensbidragRobustness Assessment of Images From a 0.35T Scanner of an Integrated MRI-Linac : Characterization of Radiomics Features in Phantom and Patient Data
Rebecka Ericsson-Szecsenyi, Geoffrey Zhang, Gage Redler, Vladimir Feygelman, Stephen Rosenberg, et al.
(2022) Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, 21
Artikel i tidskriftResearch Paper Impact of combining vitamin C with radiation therapy in human breast cancer : Does it matter?
Somayeh Khazaei, Linn Nilsson, Gabriel Adrian, Helga Tryggvadottir, Elise Konradsson, et al.
(2022) Oncotarget, 13 p.439-453
Artikel i tidskriftIntracavitary Electron FLASH Radiotherapy in a Canine Cancer Patient With Oral Malignant Melanoma
E Konradsson, M L Arendt, K Bastholm Jensen, H Thomasson, B Børresen, et al.
(2021) International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 111 p.31-31
Artikel i tidskriftPO-1767 Surface guided FLASH radiotherapy
Annika Mannerberg, Elise Konradsson, Malin Kügele, Anneli Edvardsson, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(2021) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 161 p.1494-1496
Konferensbidrag: abstractCancer Cells Can Exhibit a Sparing FLASH Effect at Low Doses Under Normoxic In Vitro-Conditions
Gabriel Adrian, Elise Konradsson, Sarah Beyer, Anders Wittrup, Karl T. Butterworth, et al.
(2021) Frontiers in Oncology, 11
Artikel i tidskriftArtificial intelligence and the medical physics profession : a Swedish perspective
Jonas Andersson, Tufve Nyholm, Crister Ceberg, Anja Almén, Peter Bernhardt, et al.
(2021) Physica Medica, 88 p.25-218
Artikel i tidskriftEstablishment and Initial Experience of Clinical FLASH Radiotherapy in Canine Cancer Patients
Elise Konradsson, Maja L. Arendt, Kristine Bastholm Jensen, Betina Børresen, Anders E. Hansen, et al.
(2021) Frontiers in Oncology, 11
Artikel i tidskriftSurface-guided tomotherapy improves positioning and reduces treatment time : A retrospective analysis of 16 835 treatment fractions
André Haraldsson, Sofie Ceberg, Crister Ceberg, Sven Bäck, Silke Engelholm, et al.
(2020) Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 21 p.139-148
Artikel i tidskriftGrowth pattern of experimental glioblastoma
Jonatan Ahlstedt, Karolina Förnvik, Gunther Helms, Leif G Salford, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(2020) Histology and Histopathology, 35 p.871-886
Artikel i tidskriftIncreased effect of two-fraction radiotherapy in conjunction with IDO1 inhibition in experimental glioblastoma
Jonatan Ahlstedt, Elise Konradsson, Crister Ceberg, Henrietta Nittby Redebrandt
(2020) PLoS ONE, 15
Artikel i tidskriftAnalysis of early respiratory-related mortality after radiation therapy of non-small-cell lung cancer : feasibility of automatic data extraction for dose–response studies
Louise Stervik, Niclas Pettersson, Jonas Scherman, Claus F. Behrens, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(2020) Acta Oncologica, 59 p.628-635
Artikel i tidskriftCorrection for Ion Recombination in a Built-in Monitor Chamber of a Clinical Linear Accelerator at Ultra-High Dose Rates
Elise Konradsson, Crister Ceberg, Michael Lempart, Börje Blad, Sven Bäck, et al.
(2020) Radiation Research, 194 p.580-586
Artikel i tidskriftThe FLASH effect depends on oxygen concentration
Gabriel Adrian, Elise Konradsson, Michael Lempart, Sven Bäck, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(2019) British Journal of Radiology, 93
Artikel i tidskriftModifying a clinical linear accelerator for delivery of ultra-high dose rate irradiation
Michael Lempart, Börje Blad, Gabriel Adrian, Sven Bäck, Tommy Knöös, et al.
(2019) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 139 p.40-45
Artikel i tidskriftBreathing-motion induced interplay effects for stereotactic body radiotherapy of liver tumours using flattening-filter free volumetric modulated arc therapy
A. Edvardsson, J. Scherman, M. P. Nilsson, B. Wennberg, F. Nordström, et al.
(2019) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 64
Artikel i tidskriftPO-0978 Accurate positioning with decreased treatment time using surface guided tomotherapy : ESTRO 38, 26-30 April 2019, Milan, Italy
A. Haraldsson, S. Ceberg, Crister Ceberg, S. Engelholm, S.Å.J. Bäck, et al.
(2019) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 133 p.534-535
Konferensbidrag: abstractStatistical analysis of the gamma evaluation acceptance criteria : A simulation study of 2D dose distributions under error free conditions
Svjetlana Sunjic, Crister Ceberg, Tomislav Bokulic
(2018) Physica Medica, 52 p.42-47
Artikel i tidskriftMotion induced interplay effects for VMAT radiotherapy
Anneli Edvardsson, Fredrik Nordström, Crister Ceberg, Sofie Ceberg
(2018) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63
Artikel i tidskriftThe effect of prostate motion during hypofractionated radiotherapy can be reduced by using flattening filter free beams
Hunor Benedek, Minna Lerner, Per Nilsson, Tommy Knoos, Adalsteinn Gunnlaugsson, et al.
(2018) Physics and imaging in radiation oncology, 6 p.66-70
Artikel i tidskriftMathematical modelling of the synergistic combination of radiotherapy and indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) inhibitory immunotherapy against glioblastoma
Arthur Chakwizira, Jonatan Ahlstedt, Henrietta Nittby Redebrandt, Crister Ceberg
(2018) British Journal of Radiology, 91
Artikel i tidskriftRescue Effect Inherited in Colony Formation Assays Affects Radiation Response
Gabriel Adrian, Crister Ceberg, Ana Carneiro, Lars Ekblad
(2018) Radiation Research, 189 p.44-52
Artikel i tidskriftAnalysis of dose heterogeneity using a subvolume-DVH
M. Said, P. Nilsson, C. Ceberg
(2017) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 62 p.517-524
Artikel i tidskriftA clinical distance measure for evaluating treatment plan quality difference with Pareto fronts in radiotherapy
Kristoffer Petersson, Archonteia Kyroudi, Jean Bourhis, Crister Ceberg, Tommy Knoos, et al.
(2017) Physics and imaging in radiation oncology, 3 p.53-56
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of dual-arc VMAT radiotherapy treatment plans automatically generated via dose mimicking.
Kristoffer Petersson, Per Nilsson, Per Engström, Tommy Knöös, Crister Ceberg
(2016) Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 55 p.523-525
Artikel i tidskriftVerification of motion induced thread effect during tomotherapy using gel dosimetry
Anneli Edvardsson, Anna Ljusberg, Crister Ceberg, Joakim Medin, Lee Ambolt, et al.
(2015) 8th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDOSE), 573 p.012048-012048
KonferensbidragMulti-modality optimisation in radiotherapy treatment planning using composite objective values.
Kristoffer Petersson, Per Nilsson, Per Engström, Tommy Knöös, Crister Ceberg
(2015) Acta Oncologica, 54 p.153-551
Artikel i tidskriftA template for writing radiotherapy protocols.
Per Nilsson, Crister Ceberg, Elisabeth Kjellén, Giovanna Gagliardi, Klas Blomgren, et al.
(2015) Acta Oncologica, 54 p.275-279
Artikel i tidskriftEffect of Blockade of Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase in Conjunction with Single Fraction Irradiation in Rat Glioma
JONATAN AHLSTEDT, Karolina Förnvik, Crister Ceberg, Henrietta Nittby
(2015) Jacobs journal of radiation oncology, 2
Artikel i tidskriftA GFP Positive Glioblastoma Cell Line NS1 : A New Tool for Experimental Studies
Henrietta Nittby, Karolina Förnvik, JONATAN AHLSTEDT, Crister Ceberg, Peter Ericsson, et al.
(2015) Journal of Brain Tumors & Neurooncology, 1
Artikel i tidskriftImmunization with syngeneic interferon-gamma (IFN-g) secreting tumour cells enhance the Therapeutic effect and Abscopal effect from combined treatment of subcutaneously implanted contra-lateral N29 tumours on Fischer rats with Pulsed electric fields (PEF) and 60Co-gamma radiation.
Bertil R Persson, Carin Bauréus Koch, Gustav Grafström, Crister Ceberg, Leif Salford, et al.
(2014) Acta Scientiarum Lundensia, 2014 p.1-30
Artikel i tidskriftCombining tissue-phantom ratios to provide a beam-quality specifier for flattening filter free photon beams.
Mårten Dalaryd, Tommy Knöös, Crister Ceberg
(2014) Medical Physics, 41
Artikel i tidskriftHaematological toxicity in adult patients receiving craniospinal irradiation - Indication of a dose-bath effect.
Kristoffer Petersson, Maria Gebre-Medhin, Crister Ceberg, Per Nilsson, Per Engström, et al.
(2014) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 111 p.47-51
Artikel i tidskriftCo-operative radio-immune-stimulating cancer therapy
Crister Ceberg, Bertil R Persson
(2013) Trends in Cancer Research, 9 p.87-108
Artikel i tidskriftA note on the interpretation of the gamma evaluation index
Crister Ceberg
(2013) 7th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose), 444 p.012082-012082
KonferensbidragTreatment plan comparison using grading analysis based on clinical judgment.
Kristoffer Petersson, Jacob Engellau, Per Nilsson, Per Engström, Tommy Knöös, et al.
(2013) Acta Oncologica, 52 p.645-651
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of breathing interplay effects during VMAT by using 3D gel measurements
Sofie Ceberg, Crister Ceberg, M. Falk, P. Munk af Rosenschold, Sven Bäck
(2013) 7th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose), 444 p.012098-012098
KonferensbidragPhoton activation therapy of RG2 glioma carrying Fischer rats using stable thallium and monochromatic synchrotron radiation.
Crister Ceberg, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Yolanda Prezado, Tobias Pommer, Henrietta Nittby, et al.
(2012) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 p.8377-8391
Artikel i tidskriftModelling the dynamic dose response of an nMAG polymer gel dosimeter.
Sofie Ceberg, Martin Lepage, Sven Bäck, Helen Gustafsson, Crister Ceberg
(2012) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57 p.4845-4853
Artikel i tidskriftIntroducing multiple treatment plan-based comparison to investigate the performance of gantry angle optimisation (GAO) in IMRT for head and neck cancer
Maria Thor, Hunor Benedek, Tommy Knöös, Per Engström, Claus F. Behrens, et al.
(2012) Acta Oncologica, 51 p.743-751
Artikel i tidskriftEnsuring the integrity of treatment parameters throughout the radiotherapy process.
Fredrik Nordström, Crister Ceberg, Sven Bäck
(2012) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 103 p.299-304
Artikel i tidskriftControl chart analysis of data from a multicenter monitor unit verification study.
Fredrik Nordström, Sacha Af Wetterstedt, Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg, Sven Bäck
(2012) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 102 p.364-370
Artikel i tidskriftSU‐E‐T‐809 : A Grading‐Study Based Tool to Assist in the Choice of Treatment Modality
K. Petersson, C. Ceberg, P. Engström, T. Knoos
(2011) Medical Physics, 38 p.3677-3677
Artikel i tidskriftConversion of helical tomotherapy plans to step-and-shoot IMRT plans-Pareto front evaluation of plans from a new treatment planning system
Kristoffer Petersson, Crister Ceberg, Per Engström, Hunor Benedek, Per Nilsson, et al.
(2011) Medical Physics, 38 p.3130-3138
Artikel i tidskrift“Abscopal” Effect of Radiation Therapy Combined with Immune-Therapy Using IFN-γ Gene Transfected Syngeneic Tumor Cells, in Rats with Bilateral Implanted N29 Tumors
Bertil R Persson, Catrin Baureus Koch, Gustav Grafström, Crister Ceberg, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, et al.
(2011) ISRN Immunology, 2011
Artikel i tidskriftBeam commissioning and measurements validating the beam model in a new TPS that converts helical tomotherapy plans to step-and-shoot IMRT plans.
Kristoffer Petersson, Crister Ceberg, Per Engström, Tommy Knöös
(2011) Medical Physics, 38 p.40-46
Artikel i tidskriftRadiation immunomodulatory gene tumor therapy of rats with intracerebral glioma tumors.
Bertil R Persson, Catrin Baureus Koch, Gustav Grafström, Crister Ceberg, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, et al.
(2010) Radiation Research, 173 p.433-440
Artikel i tidskrift3D geometric gel dosimetry verification of intraprostatic fiducial guided hypofractionated radiotherapy of prostate cancer
Fredrik Nordström, Sofie Ceberg, Sacha af Wetterstedt, Per Nilsson, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(2010) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 250
KonferensbidragA Monte Carlo study of a flattening filter-free linear accelerator verified with measurements.
Mårten Dalaryd, Gabriele Kragl, Crister Ceberg, Dietmar Georg, Brendan McClean, et al.
(2010) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 p.7333-7344
Artikel i tidskriftPrediction of stopping-power ratios in flattening-filter free beams.
Crister Ceberg, Stefan Johnsson, Mårten Dalaryd, Tommy Knöös
(2010) Medical Physics, 37 p.1164-1168
Artikel i tidskriftThe feasibility of using Pareto fronts for comparison of treatment planning systems and delivery techniques
Rickard Ottosson, Per Engström, David Sjostrom, Claus F. Behrens, Anna Karlsson, et al.
(2009) Acta Oncologica, 48 p.233-237
Artikel i tidskriftConversion of greyscale intensity values from CBCT images acquired on Elekta XVI to HU for treatment planning dose calculations
Sonny La, Crister Ceberg, Andrej Tomaszewicz, Lars Weber
(2009) IFMBE Proceedings, 25 p.1009-1011
KonferensbidragSurvival of rats with N29 brain tumours after irradiation with 5 or 15 Gy and immunization with IFN-gamma secreting tumour cells
Bertil R Persson, Catrin Baureus Koch, Gustav Grafström, Crister Ceberg, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, et al.
(2008) BioMedical Engineering and Informatics: New Development and the Future - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2008, 2 p.243-247
KonferensbidragPrompt gamma tomography during BNCT – a feasibility study
Per Munck af Rosenschöld, David Minarik, Karl Östlund, Michael Ljungberg, Crister Ceberg
(2006) Journal of Instrumentation, 1
Artikel i tidskriftAbscopal effect on subcutaneously implanted N29 rat glioma tumors, from contralateral treatments with pulsed electric fields, radiation therapy, and immunization with syngeneic interferon-gamma-secreting tumor cells
Bertil R Persson, Catrin Baureus Koch, Gustav Grafström, Crister Ceberg, Bengt Widegren, et al.
(2005) Neuro-Oncology, 7 p.398-398
Konferensbidrag: abstractNuclear microprobe analysis of the selective boron uptake obtained with BPA in brain tumour tissue
Marie Wegdén, Per Kristiansson, Crister Ceberg, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, Vaida Auzelyte, et al.
(2004) Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219-20 p.67-71
Artikel i tidskriftQuality assurance of patient dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy
Per Munck af Rosenschöld, Jacek Capala, Crister Ceberg, Valerio Giusti, Leif Salford, et al.
(2004) Acta Oncologica, 43 p.404-411
Artikel i tidskriftReference dosimetry at the neutron capture therapy facility at Studsvik
P. M. Munck af Rosenschöld, V. Giusti, C. P. Ceberg, J. Capala, K. Sköld, et al.
(2003) Medical Physics, 30 p.1569-1579
Artikel i tidskriftBoron neutron capture therapy for glioblastoma multiforme : Clinical studies in Sweden
J Capala, BH Stenstam, KS Skold, Per Munck af Rosenschöld, V Giusti, et al.
(2003) Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 62 p.135-144
Artikel i tidskriftCurrent status of dosimetry at the boron neutron capture therapy facility at Studsvik, Sweden
Per Munck af Rosenschöld, V Giusti, J Capala, Crister Ceberg, K Skold, et al.
(2002) Research and Development in Neutron Capture Therapy , p.437-441
KonferensbidragPhoton quality correction factors for ionization chambers in an epithelial neutron beam
P. M. Munck Af Rosenschöld, C. P. Ceberg, V. Giusti, P. Andreo
(2002) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47 p.2397-2409
Artikel i tidskriftA simplistic formalism for calculating entrance dose in high-energy x-ray beams.
Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg, Per Nilsson
(2002) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47 p.3985-3995
Artikel i tidskriftToward clinical application of prompt gamma spectroscopy for in vivo monitoring of boron uptake in boron neutron capture therapy
Per Munck af Rosenschöld, W. Verbakel, Crister Ceberg, F. Stecher-Rasmussen, Bertil R Persson
(2001) Medical Physics, 28 p.787-795
Artikel i tidskriftIndependent checking of the delivered dose for high-energy X-rays using a hand-held PC
Tommy Knöös, Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg, Andrej Tomaszewicz, Per Nilsson
(2001) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 58 p.201-208
Artikel i tidskriftOn beam quality and stopping power ratios for high-energy x-rays
Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg, Tommy Knöös, Per Nilsson
(2000) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 p.2733-2745
Artikel i tidskriftElectroporation--a new possibility in boron neutron capture therapy?
Crister Ceberg, Bertil R Persson, Leif Salford
(2000) International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 46 p.685-686
Artikel i tidskriftTransmission measurements in air using the ESTRO mini-phantom
Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg, Tommy Knöös, Per Nilsson
(1999) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 p.2445-2450
Artikel i tidskriftDosimetric comparison of treatment planning systems in irradiation of breast with tangential fields
Chee-Wai Cheng, Indra J Das, Walter Tang, Sha Chang, Jen-San Tsai, et al.
(1997) International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 38 p.835-842
Artikel i tidskriftQuality control of measured x-ray beam data
Bengt E Bjärngard, Paul Vadash, Crister Ceberg
(1997) Medical Physics, 24 p.1441-1444
Artikel i tidskriftPharmacokinetics of Na2B12H11SH (BSH) in patients with malignant brain tumours as prerequisite for a phase I clinical trial of boron neutron capture
D Gabel, D Preusse, D Haritz, F Grochulla, K Haselsberger, et al.
(1997) Acta Neurochirurgica, 139 p.606-612
Artikel i tidskriftOff-axis primary-dose measurements using a mini-phantom
Stefan Johnsson, Crister Ceberg
(1997) Medical Physics, 24 p.763-767
Artikel i tidskriftThe effects of divergence and nonuniformity on the x-ray pencil-beam dose kernel
Crister Ceberg, Bengt E. Bjärngard
(1996) Medical Physics, 23 p.1531-1535
Artikel i tidskriftExperimental determination of the dose kernel in high-energy x-ray beams
Crister Ceberg, Bengt E. Bjärngard, Timothy C. Zhu
(1996) Medical Physics, 23 p.505-511
Artikel i tidskriftTissue-phantom ratios from percentage depth doses
Bengt E Bjärngard, Timothy C Zhu, Crister Ceberg
(1996) Medical Physics, 23 p.629-634
Artikel i tidskriftNecrosis of malignant gliomas after intratumoral injection of 201Tl in vivo in the rat
H Sjöholm, Kaj Ljunggren, Reza Adeli, Arne Brun, Crister Ceberg, et al.
(1995) Anti-Cancer Drugs, 6 p.109-114
Artikel i tidskriftA stochastic model for subcellular dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy
Crister Ceberg, Anders Persson, Arne Brun, René Huiskamp, Leif Salford, et al.
(1995) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 40 p.1819-1830
Artikel i tidskriftA comparative study on the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of boronated porphyrin (BOPP) and sulfhydryl boron hydride (BSH) in the RG2 rat glioma model
Crister Ceberg, Arne Brun, Stephen B Kahl, Myoung Seo Koo, Bertil R Persson, et al.
(1995) Journal of Neurosurgery, 83 p.86-92
Artikel i tidskriftPerformance of sulfhydryl boron hydride in patients with grade III and IV astrocytoma: a basis for boron neutron capture therapy
Crister Ceberg, Anders Persson, Arne Brun, René Huiskamp, Ann-Sofie Fyhr, et al.
(1995) Journal of Neurosurgery, 83 p.79-85
Artikel i tidskriftThe dosimetric verification of a pencil beam based treatment planning system.
Tommy Knöös, Crister Ceberg, Lars Weber, Per Nilsson
(1994) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 39 p.28-1609
Artikel i tidskriftEnhanced boron uptake in RG 2 rat gliomas by electropermeabilization in vivo--a new possibility in boron neutron capture therapy
Crister Ceberg, A Brun, L M Mir, Bertil R Persson, L G Salford
(1994) Anti-Cancer Drugs, 5 p.463-466
Artikel i tidskriftBeta camera low activity tumor imaging
Kaj Ljunggren, Sven-Erik Strand, Crister Ceberg, Hans Sjöholm, Dan Elmqvist, et al.
(1993) Acta Oncologica, 32 p.869-872
Artikel i tidskriftNeutron capture imaging of 10B in tissue specimens
Crister Ceberg, Leif Salford, Arne Brun, Raphael J B Hemler, Bertil R Persson
(1993) Radiotherapy and Oncology, 26 p.139-146
Artikel i tidskriftA new brain tumour therapy combining bleomycin with in vivo electropermeabilization
Leif Salford, Bertil R Persson, Arne Brun, Crister Ceberg, Poul Kongstad, et al.
(1993) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 194 p.938-943
Artikel i tidskriftRadio-iodinated and internally labelled (35S) IgM monoclonal antibodies in a syngenic rat model
Q Wanying, T Brodin, Crister Ceberg, Christian Ingvar, Kristina Norrgren, et al.
(1991) Acta Oncologica, 30 p.379-383
Artikel i tidskriftA new method for quantification of image distortion due to pile-up in scintillation cameras
Crister Ceberg, Ingemar Larsson, Sven-Erik Strand
(1991) European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine, 18 p.959-963
Artikel i tidskrift