Correspondence and Editorials
Geleijns J, Breatnach E, Cantera AC, Damilakis J, Dendy P, Evans A, Faulkner K, Padovani R, Van Der Putten W, Schad L, Wirestam R, Eudaldo T; on behalf of the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) and the European Society of Radiology (ESR).
Core curriculum for medical physicists in radiology. Recommendations from an EFOMP/ESR working group.
Insights Imaging. 2012 Jun;3(3):197-200. Epub 2012 May 3.
Ståhlberg F:
Editorial from Freddy R. Ståhlberg, SPC Chairman 2002.
MAGMA 2003 16(1): A11.
Ståhlberg F, Brockstedt S, Thomsen C and Wirestam R:
Letter to the editor. Acta Radiologica 40 (1999), 339.