Cronqvist M, Wirestam R, Ramgren B, Brandt L, Romner B, Nilsson O, Saveland H, Holtås S, Larsson EM:
Endovascular Treatment of Intracerebral Arteriovenous Malformations: Procedural Safety, Complications, and Results Evaluated by MR Imaging, Including Diffusion and Perfusion Imaging.
Am. J. Neuroradiol. 2006 Jan;27(1):162-76.
Elfgren C, van Westen D, Passant U, Larsson EM, Mannfolk P, Fransson P:
fMRI activity in the medial temporal lobe during famous face processing.
Neuroimage. 2006 Apr 1;30(2):609-16.
Knutsson L, Larsson E-M, Thilmann O, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Calculation of cerebral perfusion parameters using regional arterial input functions identified by factor analysis.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2006 Apr;23(4):444-53.
Lundborg G, Waites A, Björkman A, Rosén B, Larsson EM:
Functional magnetic resonance imaging shows cortical activation on sensory stimulation of an osseointegrated prosthetic thumb.
Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg. 2006;40(4):234-9.
Malmborg C, Sjöbeck M, Brockstedt S, Englund E, Söderman O, Topgaard D:
Mapping the intracellular fraction of water by varying the gradient pulse length in q-space diffusion MRI.
J Magn Reson. 2006 Jun;180(2):280-5.
Stenberg L, Englund E, Wirestam R, Siesjö P, Salford LG, Larsson EM:
Dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced perfusion magnetic resonance (MR) imaging combined with contrast-enhanced MR imaging in the follow-up of immunogene-treated glioblastoma multiforme.
Acta Radiol. 2006 Oct;47(8):852-61.
Van Westen D, Lätt J, Englund E, Brockstedt S, Larsson E-M:
Tumor extension in high-grade gliomas assessed with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging: values and lesion-to-brain ratios of apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy.
Acta Radiol. 2006 Apr;47(3):311-9.
Wirestam R, Bibic A, Lätt J, Brockstedt S, Ståhlberg F:
Denoising of Complex MRI Data by Wavelet-Domain Filtering: Application to High b-value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging.
Magn Reson Med. 2006 Nov;56(5):1114-20.
Cronqvist M, Wirestam R, Ramgren B, Brandt L, Nilsson O, Saveland H, Holtås S, Larsson EM:
Diffusion and perfusion MRI in patients with ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms treated by endovascular coiling: complications, procedural results, MR findings and clinical outcome.
Neuroradiology. 2005 Nov;47(11):855-73.
Jelsing J, Rostrup E, Markenroth K, Paulson O.B., Gundersen H.J.G., Hemmingsen R, Pakkenberg B:
Assessment of in Vivo MR Imaging Compared to Physical Sections in Vitro – a Quantitative Study of Brain Volumes Using Stereology,
Neuroimage 2005 May;26(1):57-65.
Olsrud J, Lätt J, Brockstedt S, Romner B, Bjorkman-Burtscher IM:
Magnetic resonance imaging artifacts caused by aneurysm clips and shunt valves: dependence on field strength (1.5 and 3 T) and imaging parameters.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2005 Sep;22(3):433-7.
Tabakov S, Roberts VC, Jonsson BA, Ljungberg M, Lewis CA, Wirestam R, Strand SE, Lamm IL, Milano F, Simmons A, Deane C, Goss D, Aitken V, Noel A, Giraud JY, Sherriff S, Smith P, Clarke G, Almqvist M, Jansson T; EMERALD plus EMIT International Consortia:
Development of educational image databases and e-books for medical physics training.
Med Eng Phys. 2005 Sep;27(7):591-8.
Thilmann O, Larsson EM, Bjorkman-Burtscher IM, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Comparison of contrast agents with high molarity and with weak protein binding in cerebral perfusion imaging at 3 T.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2005 Nov;22(5):597-604.
Van Westen D, Skagerberg G, Olsrud J, Fransson P, Larsson EM:
Functional magnetic resonance imaging at 3T as a clinical tool in patients with intracranial tumors.
Acta Radiol. 2005 Oct;46(6):599-609.
Wirestam R, Ståhlberg F:
Wavelet-based noise reduction for improved deconvolution of time-series data in dynamic susceptibility-contrast MRI.
MAGMA. 2005 Jul;18(3):113-8.
Carlsson M, Cain P, Holmqvist C, Ståhlberg F, Lundback S, Arheden H:
Total heart volume variation throughout the cardiac cycle in man.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2004;287(1):H243-50.
Englund E, Sjöbeck M, Brockstedt S, Lätt J, Larsson EM:
Diffusion tensor MRI post mortem demonstrated cerebral white matter pathology.
J Neurol. 2004;251(3):350-2.
Johansson E, Månsson S, Wirestam R, Svensson J, Petersson JS, Golman K, Ståhlberg F:
Cerebral perfusion assessment by bolus-tracking using hyperpolarized carbon-13.
Magn Reson Med 2004; 51(3): 464-472.
Johansson E, Olsson LE, Månsson S, Petersson JS, Golman K, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Perfusion assessment with bolus differentiation: A technique applicable to hyperpolarized tracers.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 52 2004;52:1043-1051
Knutsson L, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Aspects on the accuracy of rCBF using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI under various experimental conditions: A simulation study.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2004;22(6):789-98.
Larsson EM, Englund E, Sjöbeck M, Lätt J, Brockstedt S:
MRI with diffusion tensor imaging post-mortem at 3.0 T in a patient with frontotemporal dementia.
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2004;17(4):316-9.
Thilmann O, Larsson E-M, Björkman-Burtscher IM, Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Effects of echo time variation on perfusion assessment using dynamic susceptibility contrast MR imaging at 3 Tesla.
Magn Reson Imaging. 2004;22(7):929-35.
van Westen D, Fransson P, Olsrud J, Rosén B, Lundborg G, Larsson EM:
Fingersomatotopy in area 3b: an fMRI study.
BMC Neurosci. 2004 Aug 20;5(1):28.
Svensson J, Månsson S, Johansson E, Petersson JS, Olsson LE:
Hyperpolarized 13C MR angiography using trueFISP.
MRM 50 (2003): 645-648.
Andersson L, Bolling M, Wirestam R, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Combined diffusion weighting and CSF suppression in functional MRI.
NMR in biomedicine, 15 (2002): 235-240.
Holmqvist C, Ståhlberg F, Hanseus K, Hochbergs P, Sandstrom S, Larsson EM, Laurin S:
Collateral flow in coarctation of the aorta with magnetic resonance velocity mapping: correlation to morphological imaging of collateral vessels.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 15 (2001): 39-46.
Johansson E, Svensson J, Mansson S, Petersson JS, Olsson LE, Golman K, Ståhlberg F:
Gradient echo imaging of flowing hyperpolarized nuclei: theory and phantom studies on 129Xe dissolved in ethanol.
J Magn Reson. 159 (2002): 68-75.
Lundborg G, Rosén B, Knutsson L, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S, Larsson E-M:
Hand-arm-vibration syndrome (HAVS): Is there a central nervous component?
Journal of Hand Surgery 27B (2002): 514-519.
Mansson S, Johansson E, Svensson J, Olsson LE, Ståhlberg F, Petersson JS, Golman K:
Echo-planar MR imaging of dissolved hyperpolarized 129Xe.
Acta Radiol. 43 (2002): 455-60.
Svensson J, Leander P, Maki J, Ståhlberg F, Olsson L-E:
Separation of arteries and veins using flow-induced phase effects in contrast-enhanced MRA of the lower extremities.
MRI 20 (2002): 49-57.
Arheden H, Saeed M, Tornqvist E, Lund G, Wendland MF, Higgins CB, Ståhlberg F:
Accuracy of segmented MR velocity mapping to measure small vessel pulsatile flow in a phantom simulating cardiac motion.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 13 (2001): 722-728.
Cronqvist M, Ramgren B, Geijer B, Wirestam R, Brandt L and Holtås S:
Diffusion- and perfusion-weighted MRI in therapeutic neurointerventional procedures.
Neuroradiology 43 (2001), 662-671.
Eriksson L, Hansson LG, Akesson L, Ståhlberg F:
Simple bone cyst: a discrepancy between magnetic resonance imaging and surgical observations.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 92 (2001): 694-8.
Geijer B, Lindgren A, Brockstedt S, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
Persistent high signal on diffusion-weighted MRI in the late stages of small cortical and lacunar ischaemic lesions.
Neuroradiology. 43 (2001): 115-122.
Geijer B, Sundgren PC, Lindgren A, Brockstedt S, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
The value of b required to avoid T2 shine-through from old lucunar infarcts in diffusion-weighted imaging.
Neuroradiology. 43 (2001): 511-517.
Holmqvist C, Larsson E-M, Ståhlberg F, Laurin S:
Contrast-enhanced thoracic 3D-MR angiography in infants and children.
Acta Radiol. 42 (2001): 50-58.
Holmqvist C, Hochbergs P, Bjorkhem G, Brockstedt S, Laurin S:
Pre-operative evaluation with MR in tetralogy of fallot and pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect.
Acta Radiol. 42 (2001): 63-69.
Wirestam R, Borg M, Brockstedt S, Lindgren A, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Perfusion-related parameters in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging compared with CBV and CBF measured by dynamic susceptibility-contrast MR technique.
Acta Radiol. 42 (2001): 123-128.
Brockstedt S, Moore JR, Thomsen C, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
High-resolution diffusion imaging using phase-corrected segmented echo-planar imaging.
Magn Reson Imaging. 18 (2000): 649-657.
Burtscher IM, Skagerberg G, Geijer B, Englund E, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
Proton MR spectroscopy and preoperative diagnostic accuracy: an evaluation of intracranial mass lesions characterized by stereotactic biopsy findings.
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 21 (2000): 84-93.
Engellau L, Olsrud J, Brockstedt S, Albrechtsson U, Norgren L, Ståhlberg F, Larsson EM:
MR evaluation ex vivo and in vivo of a covered stent-graft for abdominal aortic aneurysms: ferromagnetism, heating, artifacts, and velocity mapping.
J Magn Reson Imaging. 12 (2000): 112-121.
Juul-Kristensen B, Bojsen-Moller F, Finsen L, Eriksson J, Johansson G, Ståhlberg F, Ekdahl C:
Muscle sizes and moment arms of rotator cuff muscles determined by magnetic resonance imaging.
Cells Tissues Organs. 167 (2000): 214-222.
Lindgren A, Staaf G, Geijer B, Brockstedt S, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S,Norrving B:
Clinical lacunar syndromes as predictors of lacunar infarcts. A comparison of acute clinical lacunar syndromes and findings on diffusion-weighted MRI.
Acta Neurol Scand. 101 (2000):128-134.
Lund GK, Wendland MF, Shimakawa A, Arheden H, Ståhlberg F, Higgins CB, Saeed M:
Coronary sinus flow measurement by means of velocity-encoded cine MR imaging: validation by using flow probes in dogs.
Radiology. 217 (2000): 487-493.
Sondergaard L, Aldershvile J, Hildebrandt P, Kelbaek H, Ståhlberg F, Thomsen C:
Vasodilatation with felodipine in chronic asymptomatic aortic regurgitation.
Am Heart J. 139 (2000): 667-674.
Wirestam R, Andersson L, Østergaard L, Bolling M, Aunola JP, Lindgren A,Geijer B, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Assessment of regional cerebral blood flow by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI using different deconvolution techniques.
Magn Reson Med. 43 (2000): 691-700.
Wirestam R, Ryding E, Lindgren A, Geijer B, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Absolute cerebral blood flow measured by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: a direct comparison with Xe-133 SPECT.
MAGMA. 11 (2000): 96-103.
Wirestam R, Ryding E, Lindgren A, Geijer B, Østergaard L, Andersson L, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Regional cerebral blood flow distributions in normal volunteers: dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI compared with 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT.
J Comput Assist Tomogr. 24 (2000): 526-530.
Arheden H, Holmqvist C, Thilén U, Hanseus K, Björkhem G, Pahlm O, Laurin S, Ståhlberg F:
Left-to-right cardiac shunts: Comparison of measurements obtained with MR velocity mapping and with radionuclide angiography.
Radiology 211 (1999): 453-458.
Brockstedt S, Borg M, Geijer B, Wirestam R, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
ECG Triggering in quantitative diffusion imaging with single-shot EPI.
Acta Radiologica 40 (1999): 263-269.
Burtscher I, Johansson E, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Quality assessment of localization technique performance in small volume in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17 (1999): 1511-1519.
Geijer B, Brockstedt S, Lindgren A, Ståhlberg F, Norrving B, Holtås S:
Radiological diagnosis of acute stroke. Comparison of conventional MR imaging, echo-planar diffusion-weighted imaging and spin-echo diffusion-weighted imaging.
Acta Radiologica 40 (1999): 255-262.
Holmqvist C, Oscarsson G, Ståhlberg F, Thilén U, Björkhem G, Laurin S:
Functional evaluation of extracardiac ventriculo-pulmonary conduits and of the right ventricle with MR imaging and MR velocity mapping.
Am Journal of Cardiology 88 (1999): 926-932.
Olsrud J, Wirestam R, Persson BRR, Tranberg K-G:
Simplified treatment planning for interstitial laser thermotherapy by disregarding light transport: A numerical study.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 25 (1999): 304-314.
Svensson J, Leander P, Larsson E-M, Ståhlberg F, Olsson L-E:
Image artifacts due to a time varying contrast medium concentration in 3D contrast enhanced MRA.
JMRI 10 (1999): 919-928.
Burtscher I, Owman T, Romner B, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
Aneurysm clip MR artifacts: Influence of alloy compositions and imaging parameters.
Acta Radiologica 39 (1998): 70-76.
Brockstedt S, Thomsen C, Wirestam R, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Quantitative diffusion coeffecient maps using fast spin-echo MRI.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16 (1998): 877-886.
Olsrud J, Wirestam R, Brockstedt S, Nilsson AMK, Tranberg K-G, Ståhlberg F, Persson BRR:
MRI thermometry in phantoms by use of the proton resonance frequency shift method: Application to interstitial laser thermoterapy.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 43 (1998): 2597-2613.
Olsrud J, Wirestam R, Persson BRR, Tranberg K-G:
Finite element analysis for simplified thermal dose planning in interstitial laser thermotherapy.
Thermal Therapy, Laser Welding, and Tissue Interaction (Eds. S.G. Bown et al.), Proc. SPIE 3565 (1998): 24-29.
Vikhoff B, Stubgaard M, Stensgaard A, Ståhlberg F, Henriksen O:
A two-compartment phantom for VOI profile measurements in small bore MR spectroscopy.
Physics in Medicine and Biology 43 (1998): 1761-1770.
Burtscher I, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
Proton (1H) Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) for routine diagnostic evaluation of brain tumors.
Acta Radiologica 38 (1997): 953-960.
Ståhlberg F, Nitz W, Nilsson C, Holtås S:
Use of k-space segmentation in MR velocity mapping for rapid quantification of CSF flow.
JMRI 7 (1997): 972-978.
Wirestam R, Brockstedt S, Lindgren A, Geijer B, Thomsen C, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
The perfusion fraction in volunteers and in patients with ischaemic stroke.
Acta Radiologica 38 (1997): 961-964.
Wirestam R, Salford LG, Thomsen C, Brockstedt S, Persson BRR, Ståhlberg F:
Quantification of low-velocity motion using a navigator-echo supported MR velocity-mapping technique: Application to intracranial dynamics in volunteers and patients with brain tumors.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 15 (1997): 1-11.
Åkesson P, Vikhoff B, Ståhlberg F, Holtås S:
Brain lesion contrast dependence of field strength and concentration of Gd-DTPA-BMA. Patients and phantoms.
Acta Radiologica 38 (1997): 14-18.
Cortsen M, Petersen LJ, Ståhlberg F, Thomsen C, Söndergaard L, Petersen JR, Ladefoged SD, Henriksen O:
Measurement of renal artery blood flow in patients with impaired kidney function using MR velocity mapping.
Acta Radiologica 37 (1996): 79-84.
Cronqvist M, Ståhlberg F, Larsson E-M, Lönntoft M, Holtås S:
Evaluation of TOF and PC MRA sequences at 1.0T for diagnosis of carotid artery disease: I. A phantom and volunteer study.
Acta Radiologica 37 (1996): 267-277.
Gideon P, Thomsen C, Gjerris F, Sörensen PS, Ståhlberg F, Henriksen O:
Measurements of blood flow in the superior sagittal sinus in healthy volunteers, and in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus and idiopathic intracranial hypertension with phase-contrast cine MR imaging.
Acta Radiologica 37 (1996): 171-176.
De Wagter C, De Poorter J, Thomsen C, Ståhlberg F, De Deene Y, Martens L, Achten E:
Numerical procedure for the quantitative verification of magnetic resonance imaging of time-dependent temperature distributions in a phantom.
Journal of Heat Transfer (Trans ASME) 118 (1996): 198-201.
Wirestam R, Greitz D, Thomsen C, Brockstedt S, Olsson M, Ståhlberg F:
Theoretical and experimental evaluation of phase dispersion effects caused by brain motion in diffusion and perfusion MR imaging.
JMRI 6 (1996): 348-355.
Brockstedt S, Thomsen C, Wirestam R, de Poorter J, de Wagter C, Salford LG, Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Use of an enhanced gradient system for diffusion MRI with motion-artifact reduction.
Acta Radiologica 36 (1995): 662-670.
Gideon P, Sörensen PS, Thomsen C, Ståhlberg F, Gjerris F, Henriksen O:
Increased brain water self-diffusion in patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension.
AJNR 16 (1995): 381-387.
Hannesson P., Wallengren N.-O., Lyttkens K., Melin T., Brockstedt S. and Ståhlberg F:
Magnetic resonance imaging with signal-intensity measurements in diffuse liver disease.
European Radiology. 5 (1995): 626-629.
Malmgren N, Brockstedt S, Johansson J, Björkhem G:
Postoperative pulmonary vascular supply in congenital heart disease evaluated with MR imaging at 0.3 T.
Acta Pediatrica Supplement, 410 (1995): 63-68.
Olsson MBE, Wirestam R, Persson BRR:
A computer simulation program for MR imaging: Application to RF and static magnetic field imperfections:
MRM 34 (1995): 612-617.
De Poorter J, De Wagter C, De Deene Y, Thomsen C, Ståhlberg F, Achten E:
Noninvasive MRI thermometry with the proton resonance frequency (PRF) method: In vivo results in human muscle.
MRM 33 (1995): 74-81.
Thomsen C, Cortsen M, Söndergaard L, Henriksen O,Ståhlberg F:
A segmented k-space velocity mapping protocol for quantification of renal artery blood flow during breath holding.
JMRI 4 (1995): 393-401.
Wirestam R, Andrée Larsen V, Stubgaard M, Thomsen C, Vikhoff B, Larsson HBW, Ståhlberg F, Henriksen O:
Deuterium MR spectroscopy at 4.7T: Quantification of tumor and subcutaneous tissue blood flow in animal models.
Acta Radiologica 36 (1995): 85-91.
Nilsson C, Ståhlberg F, Gideon P, Thomsen C, Henriksen O.
The nocturnal increase in human cerebrospinal fluid production isinhibited by a beta-1 receptor antagonist.
Am J of Physiology 267 (1994): R1445-R1448.
Gideon P, Sörensen PS, Thomsen C, Ståhlberg F, Gjerris F, Henriksen O:
Assessment of CSF dynamics and venous flow in the superior sagittal sinus by MRI in idiopathic intracranial hypertension: a preliminary study.
Neuroradiology: 36 (1994): 350-354.
De Poorter J, De Wagter C, De deene Y, Thomsen C, Ståhlberg F, Achten E:
The proton resonance frequency shift method compared with molecular diffusion for quantitative measurement of two‑dimensional time‑dependent temperature distribution in a phantom.
J Magn Resonance: B103 (1994): 234-241.
Ståhlberg F, Thomsen C, Söndergaard L, Henriksen O:
Pulse sequence design for MR velocity mapping of complex flow ‑ Notes on the necessity of low echo times.
Magn Reson Imaging 12 (1994): 1255-1262.