MR Physics Group
Welcome to the MR Physics Group at Lund University! Our research group, situated in the expanding Öresund region in southern Sweden, is active in the field of medical magnetic resonance, and has its primary focus on development of new techniques for assessment of functional information related to diffusion, perfusion, cortical activation, and flow. Emerging areas in the group encompass high field-studies using CEST as well as quantitative MRI in the brain and in the musculoskeletal system and low-field MRI for studies of the brain.
Markus Nilsson
markus [dot] nilsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se
Visiting address
Dept. of Medical Radiation Physics,
Clinical Sciences, Lund University
Skåne University Hospital, Lund
Barngatan 4, SE-221 85 Lund.