Popular Science
Knutsson L, Sundgren PC:
Clinical utility of Amide Proton Transfer imaging in patients with brain tumors. MAGNETOM Flash (71) 2/2018:52-55.
Markenroth Bloch K, Björkman-Burtscher I, Ståhlberg F: (In Swedish).
Den nationella 7T anläggningen – en uppdatering.
ImagoMedica, Svensk förening för Medicinsk Radiologi, Medlemsforum nr 2 2018: 11-13.
Stahlberg F p 7,73; Markenroth Bloch K p 73,77; Nilsson M, Szczepankiewicz F, Lampinen B p 77:
LBIC 2014-2018. Platforms and project examples. ISBN 978-91-7753-712-0
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(In Swedish) Markenroth Bloch K, Jonson B:
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(In Swedish) Wirestam R, Ståhlberg F:
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(In Swedish) Van Westen D, Olsrud J:
Bilder av hjärnan i arbete.
Läkartidningen 105 2008: 3438-42
Ståhlberg F:
Expert Opinion: New Horizons in Magnetic Resonance: Hyperpolarised MRI/MRS.
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(In Swedish/English) Ståhlberg F, Nordell B, Olsrud J:
EU-direktiv Elektromagnetisk strålning.
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EMERALD and EMIT: Worldwide computer aided education and training packages in medical physics.
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Ståhlberg F, Brockstedt S, Mannfolk P, Larsson E-M:
Cerebrospinal fluid flow measurements – Initial results at 3.0 T.
Magnetom Flash 2 (2003): 116-119. Invited contriburion.
Ståhlberg F:
Contrast mechanisms in MRI. In: ESMRMB Syllabus - Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI.
European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (2002).
Brockstedt S:
Diffusion Imaging. In: ESMRMB Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI, Syllabus (2000) pp 99-102.
Ståhlberg F:
Basic MRI sequences. In: ESMRMB Syllabus - Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (2000), pp 7-13.
Wirestam R, Østergaard L, Bolling M, Holtås S and Ståhlberg F:
Perfusion imaging. In: ESMRMB Syllabus - Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (2000), pp 103-113.
Ståhlberg F, Brockstedt S:
Acceptance testing of MR systems. In: Syllabus: Methodology, Spectroscopy and Clinical MRI. Series: Bracco education in diagnostic imaging, 16th ESMRMB meeting, Seville, Spain 1999. Springer-Verlag Italia 1999. A Haase, D Leibfritz, L Marti-Bonmati, eds.: 104-107.
(In Swedish) Karlsson H (Efter intervju med Holtås S, Ståhlberg F): Artikel i Dagens Medicin 1998, MR inom neuroradiologi.
(In Swedish) Holtås S, Ståhlberg F:
Magnetresonans – mer än bara bilder! Läkartidningen 95 (1998): 266-267, 269-270.
(In Swedish) Ståhlberg F, Wirestam R:
Magnetkameran och dess användning. Kapitel i "Klinisk fysiologi med nuklearmedicin och klinisk neurofysiologi" (redaktörer B. Jonson, H. Westling, T. White och P. Wollmer). Liber AB, Stockholm, 1998. ISBN 91-47-04832-8.