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LUPE - The Lund Perfusion Program

LUPE is a modular software for calculation of brain perfusion parametric maps from dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion weighted MR images.  

Source code and a runtime version (.sav file) are published here under the terms of the GPL. See the overview below for more info.



News: Latest version is 1.2. See the modules page for changes and additions. Included is now a 11-page user guide. The calculation of cerebral perfusion maps from dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) acquired images is a computational extensive task which needs to be performed off-line as scanner software provides, at most, the very basic methods.

LUPE User Guide



Lupe (german for 'magnifying glass') is an extensible modular framework to perform this task. The goal was to develop a user friendly, easily extensible and freely available platform, which is both suitable for clinical use and research.

Program properties

All functionality encapsulated in modules which plug in to a relatively generic framework. This allows a.o. for an arbitrary number of calculation techniques included with the program.

Standard modules provide data I/O and common functionality like image browsing, color encoding and comparison of calculated result images.

Implemented calculation techniques as of now: standard SVD, reformulated SVD and a correction method for blood-brain-barrier leakage.

Fully internationalized (currently available in English, German and Swedish).

Research modules can be hidden from the clinical user without code changes.

User's guide and a programmer's manual are available. The source code itself has been extensively documented.

Realized in IDL

Runtime version available which runs under the IDL virtual machine, freely available from RSI.

Runtime version and source code are published under the terms of the GNU Public License.


Further Information


For example programs/screenshots, questions, bug reports (both program and documentation) and comments please contact linda [dot] knutsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (linda[dot]knutsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se)