Michael Ljungberg

Personal information
Date of Birth: November 20, 1957
Place of Birth: Klippan, Sweden
Marital Status: Married to Karin since 1983
Childen: One daughter – Johanna – born 1992
Interest: Golf, motorbiking and music (drums)
Professional education
- Two years of technical education, Klippans gymnasium 1976
- One year of natural science, Klippans gymnasium 1977
- Bachelor of Science in Radiation Physics, Lund University, 1983
- Doctor of Philosophy in Radiation Physics. Development and Evaluation of Attenuation and Scatter Correction Techniques for SPECT using the Monte Carlo Method. Lund University. Dissertation May 1990. Faculty opponent was Professor David Weber, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton, New York, USA.
Post doctoral and professional appointments
- Research assistant at the Medical Radiation Physics, University of Lund 1990-1991
- Assistant professor (forskarassistent) at the Medical Radiation Physics, University of Lund 1991-1997
- Senior Lecture (universitetslektor) at the Medical Radiation Physics, University of Lund 1994-2005
- Medical Physicist (sjukhusfysiker) at Helsingborg Hospital 1997-2002
- Certified Medical Physicist, 1999
- Medical Physicist (sjukhusfysiker) at Lund University Hospital 2003-2010
- Full Professor at the Science faculty, University of Lund 2005 – 2015
- Full Professor at the Medical faculty, University of Lund 2015 – present
- Deputy Head of Medical Radiation Physics 2012 – 2013
- Head of Medical Radiation Physics (Science and Medical Faculty) 2013 - 2023
- Head of Medical Radiation Physics (Medical Faculty) 2023 - present
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Pareto optimization of SPECT acquisition and reconstruction settings for 177Lu activity quantification
Johan Gustafsson, Erik Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2024) EJNMMI Physics, 11
Artikel i tidskriftAccuracy of patient-specific I-131 dosimetry using hybrid whole-body planar-SPECT/CT I-123 and I-131 imaging
Michaella Morphis, Johan A. van Staden, Hanlie du Raan, Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2024) EJNMMI Physics, 11
Artikel i tidskrift3D printed non-uniform anthropomorphic phantoms for quantitative SPECT
Lovisa Jessen, Johan Gustafsson, Michael Ljungberg, Selma Curkic-Kapidzic, Muris Imsirovic, et al.
(2024) EJNMMI Physics, 11
Artikel i tidskriftFeasibility of 177Lu activity quantification using a small portable CZT-based gamma-camera
Daniel Roth, Erik Larsson, Joanna Strand, Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2024) EJNMMI Physics, 11
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of Improved Imaging Properties with Tungsten-Based Parallel-Hole Collimators: A Monte Carlo Study
Jalil Pirayesh Islamian, Michael Ljungberg
(2024) World J Nucl Med, 23 p.95-102
Artikel i tidskriftOn the use of solid 133Ba sources as surrogate for liquid 131I in SPECT/CT calibration : a European multi-centre evaluation
Johannes Tran-Gia, Ana M. Denis-Bacelar, Kelley M. Ferreira, Andrew P. Robinson, Christophe Bobin, et al.
(2023) EJNMMI Physics, 10
Artikel i tidskrift99mTc/123I Dual-Radionuclide Correction for Self-Scatter, Down-Scatter, and Tailing Effect for a CZT SPECT With Varying Tracer Distributions
Alexandre F. Velo, Peng Fan, Huidong Xie, Xiongchao Chen, Nabil Boutagy, et al.
(2023) IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 7 p.839-850
Artikel i tidskriftAssessment of a hand-held CZT-based gamma camera for pre-clinical imaging of 177Lu
Daniel Roth, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
AffischImpact of Wolfmet Tungsten Alloys as Parallel-Hole Collimator Material on Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography Image Quality and Functional Parameters : A Simulating Medical Imaging Nuclear Detectors Monte Carlo Study
Maryam Darami, Babak Mahmoudian, Michael Ljungberg, Jalil Pirayesh Islamian
(2023) World J Nucl Med, 22 p.217-225
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo investigation of PET [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TOC activity-administration protocols for consistent image quality
Philip Kalaitzidis, Johan Gustafsson, Cecilia Hindorf, Michael Ljungberg
(2023) Heliyon, 9
Artikel i tidskriftInvestigation of a CZT-based hand-held gamma-camera for pre-clinical imaging of alpha-emitter 225Ac
Daniel Roth, Zachary Ells, Magnus Dahlbom, Joanna Strand, Christine Mona, et al.
(2023) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 50 p.129-129
Konferensbidrag: abstractAveraging of absorbed doses : How matter matters
Johan Gustafsson, Michael Ljungberg, Gudrun Alm Carlsson, Erik Larsson, Carl Fredrik Warfvinge, et al.
(2023) Medical Physics, 50 p.6600-6613
Artikel i tidskriftMachine learning-based prediction of conversion coefficients for I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine heart-to-mediastinum ratio
Koichi Okuda, Kenichi Nakajima, Chiemi Kitamura, Michael Ljungberg, Tetsuo Hosoya, et al.
(2023) Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 30 p.1630-1641
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo modelling of a compact CZT-based gamma camera with application to 177Lu imaging
Daniel Roth, Erik Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2022) EJNMMI Physics, 9
Artikel i tidskriftA 3D-printed mouse phantom for the evaluation of a hand-held CZT-based gamma camera
Daniel Roth, Sven-Erik Strand, Michael Ljungberg
Konferensbidrag: abstractBasics of Radiation Interactions in Matter
Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHandbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists : Instrumentation and Imaging Procedures, Volume I
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, I
BokMulticentre Studies
Terez Sera, Ronald Boellaard, Andres Kaalep, Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHandbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists : Radiopharmaceuticals and Clinical Applications, Volume III
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 3
BokBasic Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Gudrun Alm Carlsson, Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 1 p.15-37
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMonte Carlo Simulation of Nuclear Medicine Imaging Systems
David Sarrut, Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSingle Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) and SPECT/CT Hybrid Imaging
Michael Ljungberg, Kjell Erlandsson
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 1
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPreface
Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Handbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists : Modelling, Dosimetry and Radiation Protection, Volume II, 2
FörordHandbook of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging for Physicists : Modelling, Dosimetry and Radiation Protection, Volume II
(2022) Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2
BokA Statistical DOI Estimation Algorithm for a SiPM-Based Clinical SPECT Insert
Ilenia DrAdda, Ashley J. Morahan, Marco Carminati, Kjell Erlandsson, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(2022) IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 6 p.771-777
Artikel i tidskriftPhase II trial demonstrates the efficacy and safety of individualized, dosimetry-based 177Lu-DOTATATE treatment of NET patients
Anna Sundlöv, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Jan Tennvall, Michael Ljungberg, Carl Fredrik Warfvinge, et al.
(2022) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 49 p.3830-3840
Artikel i tidskriftValidation of a computational chain from PET Monte Carlo simulations to reconstructed images
Philip Kalaitzidis, Johan Gustafsson, Cecilia Hindorf, Michael Ljungberg
(2022) Heliyon, 8
Artikel i tidskriftValidation of a SIMIND Monte Carlo modelled gamma camera for Iodine-123 and Iodine-131 imaging
Michaella Morphis, Johan A. van Staden, Hanlie du Raan, Michael Ljungberg
(2021) Heliyon, 7
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of Iodine-123 and Iodine-131 SPECT activity quantification : a Monte Carlo study
Michaella Morphis, Johan A. van Staden, Hanlie du Raan, Michael Ljungberg
(2021) EJNMMI Physics, 8
Artikel i tidskriftA multicentre and multi-national evaluation of the accuracy of quantitative Lu-177 SPECT/CT imaging performed within the MRTDosimetry project
Johannes Tran-Gia, Ana M. Denis-Bacelar, Kelley M. Ferreira, Andrew P. Robinson, Nicholas Calvert, et al.
(2021) EJNMMI Physics, 8
Artikel i tidskriftModelling of energy-dependent spectral resolution for SPECT Monte Carlo simulations using SIMIND
Michaella Morphis, Johan A. van Staden, Hanlie du Raan, Michael Ljungberg
(2021) Heliyon, 7
Artikel i tidskriftImpact of DOI in a Clinical SPECT/MRI System : A Simulation Study
Ashley J. Morahan, Kjell Erlandsson, Annalisa Cerrato, Ilenia D'Adda, Marco Carminati, et al.
(2020) 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2020
KonferensbidragMonte Carlo-based SPECT reconstruction within the SIMIND framework
Johan Gustafsson, Gustav Brolin, Michael Ljungberg
(2018) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 63
Artikel i tidskriftFeasibility of simplifying renal dosimetry in 177Lu peptide receptor radionuclide therapy
Anna Sundlöv, Johan Gustafsson, Gustav Brolin, Nadja Mortensen, Rebecca Hermann, et al.
(2018) EJNMMI Physics, 5
Artikel i tidskrift3-D Image-Based Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy
M. Ljungberg, K. Sjögreen Gleisner
(2018) IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 2 p.527-540
Artikel i tidskriftAbsolute Quantitation of SPECT Studies
Michael Ljungberg
(2018) Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 48 p.348-358
Artikel i tidskriftFrom fixed activities to personalized treatments in radionuclide therapy : lost in translation?
G. D. Flux, K. Sjogreen Gleisner, C Chiesa, M. Lassmann, Nicolas Chouin, et al.
(2018) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 45 p.152-154
Artikel i tidskriftNuclear medicine : Physics and instrumentation special feature review article: SPECT/CT: An update on technological developments and clinical applications
Michael Ljungberg, P. Hendrik Pretorius
(2018) British Journal of Radiology, 91
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo-based quantitative pinhole SPECT reconstruction using a ray-tracing back-projector
Mikael Peterson, Johan Gustafsson, Michael Ljungberg
(2017) EJNMMI Physics, 4
Artikel i tidskriftImproved quantitative 90Y bremsstrahlung SPECT/CT reconstruction with Monte Carlo scatter modeling
Yuni K. Dewaraja, Se Young Chun, Ravi N. Srinivasa, Ravi K. Kaza, Kyle C. Cuneo, et al.
(2017) Medical Physics, 44 p.6364-6376
Artikel i tidskriftImproved scatter correction with factor analysis for planar and SPECT imaging
Peter Knoll, Arman Rahmim, Selma Gültekin, Martin Šámal, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(2017) Review of Scientific Instruments, 88
Artikel i tidskriftMulti-centre evaluation of accuracy and reproducibility of planar and SPECT image quantification : An IAEA phantom study
Brian E Zimmerman, Darko Grošev, Irène Buvat, Marco A Coca Pérez, Eric C Frey, et al.
(2017) Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik, 27 p.98-112
Artikel i tidskriftThe conflict between treatment optimization and registration of radiopharmaceuticals with fixed activity posology in oncological nuclear medicine therapy
C. Chiesa, K. Sjogreen Gleisner, G. Flux, J. Gear, S. Walrand, et al.
(2017) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 44 p.1783-1786
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of Empiric Versus Dosimetry-Guided Radioiodine Therapy : The Devil Is in the Details
Glenn D Flux, Frederik A Verburg, Carlo Chiesa, Manuel Bardiès, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, et al.
(2017) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 58 p.862-862
Artikel i tidskriftIndividualised 177Lu-DOTATATE treatment of neuroendocrine tumours based on kidney dosimetry
Anna Sundlöv, Katarina Sjögreen-Gleisner, Johanna Svensson, Michael Ljungberg, Tomas G Olsson, et al.
(2017) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 44 p.1480-1489
Artikel i tidskriftPersonalized Dosimetry for Radionuclide Therapy Using Molecular Imaging Tools
Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2016) Biomedicines, 4 p.1-21
Artikel i tidskriftImpact of SPECT corrections on 3D-dosimetry for liver transarterial radioembolization using the patient relative calibration methodology
Massimiliano Pacilio, Mahila Ferrari, Carlo Chiesa, Leda Lorenzon, Marta Mira, et al.
(2016) Medical Physics, 43 p.4053-4064
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo simulations of the GE discovery alcyone CZT SPECT system
Michael Ljungberg, Chi Liu, Peng Fan, P. Hendrik Pretorius
(2016) 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, NSS/MIC 2014
KonferensbidragMIRD Pamphlet No. 26: Joint EANM/MIRD Guidelines for Quantitative 177Lu SPECT applied for Dosimetry of Radiopharmaceutical Therapy.
Michael Ljungberg, Anna Celler, Mark W Konijnenberg, Keith F Eckerman, Yuni K Dewaraja, et al.
(2016) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 57 p.151-162
Artikel i tidskriftUncertainty propagation for SPECT/CT-based renal dosimetry in (177)Lu peptide receptor radionuclide therapy.
Johan Ruben Gustafsson, Gustav Brolin, Maurice Cox, Michael Ljungberg, Lena Johansson, et al.
(2015) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60 p.8329-8346
Artikel i tidskriftEANM procedural guidelines for radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging with SPECT and SPECT/CT: 2015 revision
HeinJ. Verberne, Wanda Acampa, Constantinos Anagnostopoulos, Jim Ballinger, Frank Bengel, et al.
(2015) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 42 p.1929-1940
Artikel i tidskriftPharmacokinetic digital phantoms for accuracy assessment of image-based dosimetry in (177)Lu-DOTATATE peptide receptor radionuclide therapy.
Gustav Brolin, Johan Ruben Gustafsson, Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2015) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 60 p.6131-6149
Artikel i tidskriftAbsorbed Doses and Risk Estimates of (211)At-MX35 F(ab')2 in Intraperitoneal Therapy of Ovarian Cancer Patients.
Elin Cederkrantz, Hakan Andersson, Peter Bernhardt, Tom Back, Ragnar Hultborn, et al.
(2015) International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 93 p.569-576
Artikel i tidskriftScatter and crosstalk corrections for (99m)Tc/(123)I dual-radionuclide imaging using a CZT SPECT system with pinhole collimators.
Peng Fan, Brian F Hutton, Maria Holstensson, Michael Ljungberg, P Hendrik Pretorius, et al.
(2015) Medical Physics, 42 p.6895-6911
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo Simulations of the GE Discovery Alcyone CZT SPECT Systems
P. Hendrik Pretorius, Chi Liu, Peng Fan, Mikael Peterson, Michael Ljungberg
(2015) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 62 p.832-839
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of inter-departmental variability of ejection fraction and cardiac volumes in myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using simulated data.
Elin Trägårdh, Michael Ljungberg, Lars Edenbrandt, Eva Örndahl, Lena Johansson, et al.
(2015) EJNMMI Physics, 2
Artikel i tidskriftHybrid Imaging for Patient-Specific Dosimetry in Radionuclide Therapy
Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2015) Diagnostics, 5 p.296-317
Artikel i tidskriftUsing Rose's metal alloy as a pinhole collimator material in preclinical small-animal imaging: A Monte Carlo evaluation.
Mikael Peterson, Sven-Erik Strand, Michael Ljungberg
(2015) Medical Physics, 42 p.1698-1709
Artikel i tidskriftThe accuracy of quantitative parameters in (99m) Tc-MAG3 dynamic renography: a national audit based on virtual image data.
Gustav Brolin, Lars Edenbrandt, Göran Granerus, Anna Olsson, David Afzelius, et al.
(2014) Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative Nuclear Medicine Imaging: Concepts, Requirements and Methods
Irene Buvat, Eric Frey, Alan Green, Michael Ljungberg
(2014) Human Health Reports
RapportValidation of an automated method to quantify stress-induced ischemia and infarction in rest-stress myocardial perfusion SPECT.
Helen Fransson, Michael Ljungberg, Marcus Carlsson, Henrik Engblom, Håkan Arheden, et al.
(2014) Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 21 p.503-518
Artikel i tidskriftApplication of Monte Carlo Methods to Radionuclide Therapy
Michael Ljungberg
(2013) Monte Carlo Techniques in Radiation Therapy , p.223-232
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMIRD Pamphlet No. 24: Guidelines for Quantitative I-131 SPECT in Dosimetry Applications
Yuni K. Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, Alan J. Green, Pat B. Zanzonico, Eric C. Frey
(2013) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 54 p.2182-2188
Artikel i tidskriftDynamic (99m)Tc-MAG3 renography: images for quality control obtained by combining pharmacokinetic modelling, an anthropomorphic computer phantom and Monte Carlo simulated scintillation camera imaging.
Gustav Brolin, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg
(2013) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 58 p.3145-3161
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction to the Monte Carlo Method
Michael Ljungberg
(2012) Monte Carlo Calculation in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging - second edition , p.1-16
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe SIMIND Monte Carlo program
Michael Ljungberg
(2012) Monte Carlo Calculation in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging - second edition , p.111-128
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Monte Carlo Method applied in Nuclear Medicine Dosimetry
Michael Ljungberg
(2012) Monte Carlo Calculation in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging - second edition , p.313-321
Del av eller Kapitel i bokUse of Monte Carlo simulations with a realistic rat phantom for examining the correlation between hematopoietic system response and red marrow absorbed dose in Brown Norway rats undergoing radionuclide therapy with (177)Lu- and (90)Y-BR96 mAbs.
Erik Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, Linda Mårtensson, Rune Nilsson, Jan Tennvall, et al.
(2012) Medical Physics, 39 p.4434-4443
Artikel i tidskriftEn analys av processen för anställning av lärare vid Lunds Universitet sett ur ett genusperspektiv
Kajsa Paulsson, Charlotte Löfqvist, Michael Ljungberg
(2012) AKKA AKademiska Kollegors Ansvar : Ledarutvecklingsprogram för kvinnor och män vid Lunds universitet 2010-2011 , p.47-56
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMIRD Pamphlet No. 23: Quantitative SPECT for Patient-Specific 3-Dimensional Dosimetry in Internal Radionuclide Therapy
Y. K. Dewaraja, E. C. Frey, G. Sgouros, A. B. Brill, P. Roberson, et al.
(2012) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 53 p.1310-1325
Artikel i tidskriftAccuracy and Precision of Radioactivity Quantification in Nuclear Medicine Images
Eric C. Frey, John L. Humm, Michael Ljungberg
(2012) Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 42 p.208-218
Artikel i tidskriftDevelopment and evaluation of an improved quantitative Y-90 bremsstrahlung SPECT method
Xing Rong, Yong Du, Michael Ljungberg, Erwann Rault, Stefaan Vandenberghe, et al.
(2012) Medical Physics, 39 p.2346-2358
Artikel i tidskriftPatient-Specific Whole-Body Attenuation Correction Maps from a CT System for Conjugate-View-Based Activity Quantification: Method Development and Evaluation.
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg
(2012) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 27 p.652-664
Artikel i tidskriftDigital billedbehandling
Markus Londsdale, Michael Ljungberg
(2011) Klinisk Nuklearmedicin
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMonte Carlo calculations of absorbed doses in tumours using a modified MOBY mouse phantom for pre-clinical dosimetry studies.
Erik Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand, Bo-Anders Jönsson
(2011) Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 50 p.973-980
Artikel i tidskriftImage-based patient-specific dosimetry for radionuclide therapy
Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2011) [Host publication title missing] , p.251-265
KonferensbidragMonte Carlo codes in radionuclide therapy
Manuel Bardies, Michael Ljungberg
(2011) Dosimetry of Radionuclide Therapy , p.116-133
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe accuracy of absorbed dose estimates in tumours determined by Quantitative SPECT: A Monte Carlo study.
Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2011) Acta oncologica (Stockholm, Sweden), 50 p.981-989
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo simulations for therapy imaging
Michael Ljungberg
(2011) Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 317 p.012016-012016
KonferensbidragDosimetry in patients with B-cell lymphoma treated with [90Y]ibritumomab tiuxetan or [131I]tositumomab.
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Y K Dewaraja, C Chiesa, Jan Tennvall, Ola Lindén, et al.
(2011) Quarterly Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 55 p.126-154
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative SPECT imaging
Michael Ljungberg
(2010) Basic Sciences of Nuclear Medicine
Del av eller Kapitel i bokLu-177-[DOTA0,Tyr3] Octreotate Therapy in Patients With Disseminated Neuroendocrine Tumors: Analysis of Dosimetry With Impact on Future Therapeutic Strategy
Michael Garkavij, Mattias Nickel, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Tomas G Ohlsson, et al.
(2010) Cancer, 116 p.1084-1092
Artikel i tidskriftExtracorporeal techniques for improving radioimmunotherapy of disseminated malignant tumors
Rune Nilsson, Michael Garkavij, Ola Lindén, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(2010) Targeted Radionuclide Therapy
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDopamine D2 receptor SPECT with I-123-IBZM: evaluation of collimator and post-filtering when using model-based compensation-a Monte Carlo study
Anne Larsson, Susanna Jakobson Mo, Michael Ljungberg, Katrine Riklund
(2010) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 p.1971-1988
Artikel i tidskrift90Y Bremsstrahlung Imaging for Absorbed-Dose Assessment in High-Dose Radioimmunotherapy.
David Minarik, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Ola Lindén, Karin Wingårdh, Jan Tennvall, et al.
(2010) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 51 p.1974-1978
Artikel i tidskriftRegistration of serial SPECT/CT images for three-dimensional dosimetry in radionuclide therapy.
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, David Rueckert, Michael Ljungberg
(2009) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 p.6181-6200
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of quantitative planar (90)Y bremsstrahlung whole-body imaging.
David Minarik, Michael Ljungberg, P Segars, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner
(2009) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 54 p.5873-5883
Artikel i tidskriftPeptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) Using 177Lu-DOTATATE: Early Clinical and Dosimetric Results
Michael Garkavij, Mattias Nickel, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand, et al.
(2009) Neuroendocrinology, 90 p.44-44
Konferensbidrag: abstractEvaluation of quantitative (90)Y SPECT based on experimental phantom studies.
David Minarik, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg
(2008) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 53 p.5689-5703
Artikel i tidskriftEANM/ESC Guidelines for Radionuclide Imaging of Cardiac function
B. Hesse, T.B. Lindhardt, W. Acampa, C., Anagnostopoulos, J. Ballinger, et al.
(2008) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 35 p.851-885
Artikel i tidskriftOptimization of energy-window settings for scatter correction in quantitative In-111 imaging: Comparison of measurements and Monte Carlo simulations
Maria Holstensson, Cecilia Hindorf, Michael Ljungberg, Mike Partridge, Glenn D. Flux
(2007) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 22 p.136-142
Artikel i tidskriftSIMIND based pinhole imaging: Development and validation
Kurt Sundin, Michael Ljungberg
(2007) 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, vols 1-11 , p.3998-4005
KonferensbidragMouse S-factors based on monte carlo simulations in the anatomical realistic Moby phantom for internal dosimetry
Erik Larsson, Sven-Erik Strand, Michael Ljungberg, Bo-Anders Jönsson
(2007) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 22 p.438-442
Artikel i tidskriftA model that accounts for the interdependence of extent and severity in the automatic evaluation of myocardial defects.
Henrik Hussein El Ali, John Palmer, Lars Edenbrandt, Michael Ljungberg
(2006) Nuclear Medicine Communications, 27 p.127-135
Artikel i tidskrift3-D Monte Carlo-based scatter compensation in quantitative I-131SPECT reconstruction
YK Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, JA Fessler
(2006) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53 p.181-188
Artikel i tidskriftCorrection for scatter and septal penetration using convolution subtraction methods and model-based compensation in I-123 brain SPECT imaging - a Monte Carlo study
Anne Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, Susanna Jakobson Mo, Katrine Riklund, Lennart Johansson
(2006) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51 p.5753-5767
Artikel i tidskriftSubendocardial versus transmural ischaemia in myocardial perfusion SPECT - a Monte Carlo study
Jolanta Bartosik, Henrik Hussein El Ali, Ulf Nilsson, Jan Dahlstrom, Lars Edenbrandt, et al.
(2006) Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 26 p.343-350
Artikel i tidskriftPrompt gamma tomography during BNCT – a feasibility study
Per Munck af Rosenschöld, David Minarik, Karl Östlund, Michael Ljungberg, Crister Ceberg
(2006) Journal of Instrumentation, 1
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation of accuracy in activity calculations for the conjugate view method from monte carlo simulated scintillation camera images using experimental data in an anthropomorphic phantom.
Lena M Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2005) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 46 p.1679-1686
Artikel i tidskriftDevelopment of educational image databases and e-books for medical physics training
S Tabakov, V C Roberts, B-A Jonsson, Michael Ljungberg, C A Lewis, et al.
(2005) Medical Engineering & Physics, 27 p.591-598
Artikel i tidskriftDosimetry Calculations on a Tissue Level by Using the MCNP4c2 Monte Carlo Code.
Erik Larsson, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Lena M Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2005) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 20 p.85-91
Artikel i tidskriftThe LundADose Method for Planar Image Activity Quantification and Absorbed-Dose Assessment in Radionuclide Therapy.
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Karin Wingårdh, David Minarik, Sven-Erik Strand
(2005) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 20 p.92-97
Artikel i tidskriftA novel platform for radioimmunotherapy: extracorporeal depletion of biotinylated and (90)y-labeled rituximab in patients with refractory B-cell lymphoma.
Ola Lindén, Jan Kurkus, Michael Garkavij, Eva Cavallin-Ståhl, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(2005) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 20 p.457-466
Artikel i tidskriftAccurate dosimetry in I-131 radionuclide therapy using patient-specific, 3-dimensional methods for SPECT reconstruction and absorbed dose calculation
Y K Dewaraja, S J Wilderman, Michael Ljungberg, K F Koral, K Zasadny, et al.
(2005) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 46 p.840-849
Artikel i tidskriftA new collimator simulation in SIMIND based on the delta-scattering technique
Michael Ljungberg, A Larsson, L Johansson
(2005) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 52 p.1370-1375
Artikel i tidskriftEANM/ESC procedural guidelines for myocardial perfusion imaging in nuclear cardiology
B Hesse, Kristina Tägil, A Cuocolo, C Anagnostopoulos, M Bardies, et al.
(2005) European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 32 p.855-897
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of 1- and 2-day protocols for myocardial SPECT: a Monte Carlo study.
Henrik Hussein El Ali, John Palmer, Marcus Carlsson, Lars Edenbrandt, Michael Ljungberg
(2005) Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 25 p.189-195
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean Medical Imaging Technology Training, EMIT – ett prisbelönt EU-utbildningsprojekt
Monica Almqvist, Tomas Jansson, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Inger-Lena Lamm, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(2005) [Host publication title missing]
KonferensbidragInterdependence between measures of extent and severity of myocardial perfusion defects provided by automatic quantification programs.
Henrik Hussein El Ali, John Palmer, Marcus Carlsson, Lars Edenbrandt, Michael Ljungberg
(2005) Nuclear Medicine Communications, 26 p.1125-1130
Artikel i tidskriftA new automated method for analysis of gated-SPECT images based on a three-dimensional heart shaped model
M Lomsky, Jens Richter, L Johansson, Henrik Hussein El Ali, Karl Åström, et al.
(2005) Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 25 p.234-240
Artikel i tidskriftA new method to obtain transmission images for planar whole-body activity quantification.
David Minarik, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg
(2005) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 20 p.72-76
Artikel i tidskriftA new collimator simulation in SIMIND based on the Delta-Scattering technique
Michael Ljungberg, A Larsson, L Johansson
(2004) IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 6 p.3584-3588
KonferensbidragSimulation Techniques and Phantoms
Michael Ljungberg
(2004) Emission Tomography: The Fundamentals of PET and SPECT , p.551-551
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEvaluation of parameters influencing s values in mouse dosimetry.
Cecilia Hindorf, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2004) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 45 p.1960-1965
Artikel i tidskriftAbsorbed dose distribution in glioma tumors in rat brain after therapeutic intratumoral injection of 201Tl-chloride.
Kaj Ljunggren, Xiaowei Liu, Kjell Erlandsson, Michael Ljungberg, Leif Salford, et al.
(2004) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 19 p.562-569
Artikel i tidskrift3D absorbed dose calculations based on SPECT: Evaluation for 111-In/90-Y therapy using Monte Carlo simulations.
Michael Ljungberg, E Frey, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, XW Liu, Y Dewaraja, et al.
(2003) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 18 p.99-107
Artikel i tidskriftCrypt cell dosimetry for 99Tcm-sestamibi in a new small intestinal dosimetry model.
Lena M Jönsson, Xiaowei Liu, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2003) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 18 p.217-223
Artikel i tidskriftCalibration of a radioactive ink-based stack phantom and its applications in nuclear medicine.
H El-Ali, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand, John Palmer, Lars Malmgren, et al.
(2003) Cancer Biotherapy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 18 p.201-207
Artikel i tidskriftMedical physics e-learning training materials. Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine
S Tabakov, VC Roberts, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, CA Lewis, et al.
(2003) 4th International IEEE EMBS Special Topic Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, 2003. , p.94-97
KonferensbidragA 3-dimensional absorbed dose calculation method based on quantitative SPECT for radionuclide therapy: evaluation for (131)I using monte carlo simulation.
Michael Ljungberg, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Xiaowei Liu, Eric Frey, Yuni Dewaraja, et al.
(2002) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43 p.1101-1109
Artikel i tidskriftAn activity quantification method based on registration of CT and whole-body scintillation camera images, with application to 131I.
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2002) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43 p.972-982
Artikel i tidskriftA dosimetry model for the small intestine incorporating intestinal wall activity and cross-doses.
Lena M Jönsson, Xiaowei Liu, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(2002) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 43 p.1657-1664
Artikel i tidskriftMedical Imaging Techniques For Radiation Dosimetry
K Koral, H Zaidi, Michael Ljungberg
(2002) Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine , p.55-79
Del av eller Kapitel i bokA parallel Monte Carlo code for planar and SPECT imaging: implementation, verification and applications in I-131 SPECT
YK Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, A Majumdar, A Bose, KF Koral
(2002) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 67 p.115-124
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluation and validation of dose calculation procedures in patient-specific radionuclide therapy
Michael Ljungberg
(2002) Therapeutic Applications of Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine , p.262-281
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMonte Carlo evaluation of object shape effects in iodine-131 SPET tumor activity quantification
Yuni K. Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, Kenneth F. Koral
(2001) European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine, 28 p.900-906
Artikel i tidskriftUsefulness and pitfalls of planar gamma-scintigraphy for measuring aerosol deposition in the lungs: a Monte Carlo investigation
Zhenghong Lee, Michael Ljungberg, Raymond F. Jr Muzic, Marc S. Berridge
(2001) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 p.1077-1083
Artikel i tidskriftRegistration of emission and transmission whole-body scintillation-camera images
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Karin Wingårdh, Kjell Erlandsson, Sven-Erik Strand
(2001) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 p.1563-1570
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative Gated SPECT: A Monte Carlo evaluation
Michael Ljungberg, F Eriksson, J Dahlström, Sven-Erik Strand
(2001) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 p.194-194
Artikel i tidskriftEMERALD training in medical radiation physics
C. Roberts, S. Tabakov, C.A. Lewis, S. Bowring, B.A. Jonsson, et al.
(2001) Physica Medica, 17 p.69-69
Artikel i tidskriftThe effect of object shape in SPECT quantification of 131-I tumor activity
Y K Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, J A Fessler, K Koral
(2001) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 42 p.104-104
Artikel i tidskriftCharacterization of scatter and penetration using Monte Carlo simulation in 131I imaging
Y K Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, K F Koral
(2000) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 41 p.123-130
Artikel i tidskriftAttenuation correction in quantitative SPECT of cerebral blood flow: a Monte Carlo study
A Arlig, A Gustafsson, L Jacobsson, Michael Ljungberg, C Wikkelso
(2000) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 p.3847-3859
Artikel i tidskriftDual-window scatter correction and energy window setting in cerebral blood flow SPECT: a Monte Carlo study
A Gustafsson, A Arlig, L Jacobsson, Michael Ljungberg, C Wikkelso
(2000) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 45 p.3431-3440
Artikel i tidskriftAccuracy of 131I tumor quantification in radioimmunotherapy using SPECT imaging with an ultra-high-energy collimator: Monte Carlo study
Y K Dewaraja, Michael Ljungberg, K F Koral
(2000) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 41 p.1760-1760
Artikel i tidskriftThe influence of backscatter material on 99mTc and 201Tl line source responses
H W de Jong, F J Beekman, Michael Ljungberg, P P van Rijk
(1999) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44 p.665-679
Artikel i tidskriftRadioimmunotherapy using 131I-labeled anti-CD22 monoclonal antibody (LL2) in patients with previously treated B-cell lymphomas
Ola Lindén, Jan Tennvall, Eva Cavallin-Ståhl, Lennart Darte, Michael Garkavij, et al.
(1999) Clinical Cancer Research, 5 p.3287-3291
Artikel i tidskriftA new rectal model for dosimetry applications
G Mardirossian, Magnus Tagesson, P Blanco, L G Bouchet, M Stabin, et al.
(1999) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 40 p.1524-1531
Artikel i tidskriftRadiation dosimetry in nuclear medicine
M G Stabin, Magnus Tagesson, S R Thomas, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1999) Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 50 p.73-87
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduction to the Monte Carlo Method
Michael Ljungberg
(1998) Monte Carlo Calculations in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging , p.37-37
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDeformable Fourier surfaces for volume segmentation in SPECT
L Floreby, Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Leif Sörnmo, Michael Ljungberg
(1998) Proceeedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1 p.358-360
KonferensbidragEvaluation of attenuation corrections using Monte Carlo simulated lung SPECT
A Gustafsson, B Bake, L Jacobsson, A Johansson, Michael Ljungberg, et al.
(1998) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43 p.2325-2336
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo Calculation in Nuclear Medicine: Applications in Diagnostic Imaging
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand, Michael King
BokRegistration of abdominal CT and SPECT images using Compton scatter data
Katarina Sjögreen Gleisner, Michael Ljungberg, Kjell Erlandsson, Lars Floreby, Sven-Erik Strand
(1997) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1230 p.232-244
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEvaluation of optimally designed planar-concave collimators in single-photon emission tomography
Shahrok Kimiaei, Michael Ljungberg, Stig A Larsson
(1997) European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine, 24 p.1398-1404
Artikel i tidskriftSelection of collimator for rCBF studies and evaluation of triple-headed SPET using noise-resolution plots
A Ärlig, L Jacobsson, A Larsson, Michael Ljungberg, C Wikkelso
(1997) Nuclear Medicine Communications, 18 p.655-661
Artikel i tidskriftParameters influencing volume and activity quantitation in SPECT
Katarina Sjörgreen, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1996) Acta Oncologica, 35 p.323-330
Artikel i tidskriftA Monte-Carlo program converting activity distributions to absorbed dose distributions in a radionuclide treatment planning system
Magnus Tagesson, Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1996) Acta Oncologica, 35 p.367-372
Artikel i tidskriftSegmentation of the Body and Lungs from Compton Scatter and Photopeak Window Images in SPECT: A Monte Carlo Investigation
Tin-Su Pan, Michael A King, Daniel J DeVries, Michael Ljungberg
(1996) IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 15 p.13-24
Artikel i tidskriftA Monte Carlo investigation of artifacts caused by liver uptake in single-photon emission computed tomography perfusion imaging with technetium 99m-labeled agents
Michael A. King, Weishi Xia, Daniel J. deVries, Tin-Su Pan, Benard J. Villegas, et al.
(1996) Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, 3 p.18-29
Artikel i tidskriftA Monte Carlo investigation of dual-energy-window scatter correction for volume-of-interest quantification in 99Tcm SPECT
J Q Luo, K F Koral, Michael Ljungberg, C E Jr Floyd, R J Jaszczak
(1995) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 40 p.181-199
Artikel i tidskriftRadio-immunotherapy dosimetry with special emphasis on SPECT quantification and extracorporeal immuno-adsorption
Sven-Erik Strand, Michael Ljungberg, Jan Tennvall, Kristina Norrgren, Michael Garkavij
(1994) Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 32 p.551-561
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of four scatter correction methods using Monte Carlo simulated source distributions
Michael Ljungberg, Michael A King, George J Hademenos, Sven-Erik Strand
(1994) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 35 p.143-151
Artikel i tidskriftMonte Carlo Simulation of Transmission Studies using a Planar Sources with a Parallel Collimator and a Line Source with a Fan-Beam Collimators
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand, Nallakkandi Rajeevan, Michael A King
(1994) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 41 p.1577-1584
Artikel i tidskriftThe Influence of Phantom Size, Shape, and Density, and Collimator Selection on the Dual Photopeak Scatter Correction Method
George J Hademenos, Michael A King, Michael Ljungberg
(1994) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 41 p.364-368
Artikel i tidskriftA Scatter Correction Method for 201-Tl images: A Monte Carlo Investigation
George J Hademenos, Michael A King, Michael Ljungberg, I George Zubal, Charles R Harrell
(1993) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 40 p.1179-1186
Artikel i tidskriftA Monte Carlo Investigation of the Dual Photopeak Window Scatter Correction Method
George J Hademenos, Michael Ljungberg, Michael A King, Stephen J Glick
(1993) IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 40 p.179-185
Artikel i tidskriftRadioimmunotherapy dosimetry--a review
Sven-Erik Strand, Bo-Anders Jönsson, Michael Ljungberg, Jan Tennvall
(1993) Acta Oncologica, 32 p.807-817
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative single photon emission tomography: verification for sources in an elliptical water phantom
Michael Ljungberg, Michael A King, Sven-Erik Strand
(1992) European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine, 19 p.838-844
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative biokinetics study of 111In-labeled F(ab')2 in patients with colorectal cancer
C Ingvar, C Wingardh, Michael Ljungberg, S-E Strand, K Norrgren, et al.
(1991) Antib.Immuno.Radiopharm, 4 p.587-587
Artikel i tidskriftAttenuation and scatter correction in SPECT for sources in a nonhomogeneous object: a monte Carlo study
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1991) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 32 p.1278-1284
Artikel i tidskriftScatter and attenuation correction in SPECT using density maps and Monte Carlo simulated scatter functions
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1990) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 31 p.1560-1567
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative SPECT by attenuation correction of the projection set using transmission data: evaluation of a method
Helén Almquist, John Palmer, Michael Ljungberg, Per Wollmer, Sven-Erik Strand, et al.
(1990) European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine, 16 p.587-594
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of Dual-Window and Convolution Scatter Correction Techniques using the Monte Carlo Method
Michael Ljungberg, P Msaki, Sven-Erik Strand
(1990) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 35 p.1099-1110
Artikel i tidskriftAttenuation correction in SPECT based on transmission studies and Monte Carlo simulations of build-up functions
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1990) Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 31 p.493-500
Artikel i tidskriftA Monte Carlo program for the simulation of scintillation camera characteristics
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1989) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 29 p.257-272
Artikel i tidskriftQuantitative SPECT in oncological nuclear medicine. Application in Dose Planning for Radionuclide Therapy
Michael Ljungberg
(1988) Hospimedica , p.17-17
Artikel i tidskriftDose planning with SPECT
Michael Ljungberg, Sven-Erik Strand
(1988) International Journal of Cancer, 41 p.67-70
Artikel i tidskrift

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